Monday, November 24, 2008

Hamilton @ Angels and Kings

Well, I must say. I probably wouldn't have showed up to JUST see I Am the Avalanche play A&K on November 15th. In fact, I didn't even catch them that night. Don't get me wrong, I would have, but an old friend was nice enough to keep me company that night. I certainly didn't want to make him sit through 4 hours of acoustic emo/punk/pop torture (something I happen to adore, mind you).

One of the guys from Hamilton remembered I had written review about them about a month ago, and was nice enough to let me know they were playing again.

Hamilton definitely had a much larger crowd this time around. In fact, I had to stand on my seat in order to get a good picture. Last time they played at A&K, I was able to enjoy them from the comfort the cozy lounge couches.

As I said before, my friend Chris isn't really into the scene, but as SOON as Hamilton mentioned they only had two more songs to play, Chris perked up saying with strong conviction (and a dash of disappointment), "That's It!? But why? They're way better than any of the other bands that just played?" Yeah, Chris, you're not the only one. I definitely feel a little cheated too.

It's true. These guys are great, and I will always go out and see them whenever possible. I added two pictures above I took of Hamilton at Angels & Kings. These guys truly have that unique ability to turn the most unlikely of fans into a fan.

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